Monday, September 27, 2010

It was a dark and rainy morning. . .

. . .and I felt good.

Ok, maybe I'm sick. I haven't blogged in a while because I was super-busy and then got a case of the sniffles with a sore throat over the weekend. But now I'm recovering. Still, I'm taking it easy so nothing I do will exacerbate it. At least it doesn't feel like a cheese grater is grinding against my throat anymore.

I've had the sudden inspiration again for my fantasy writing. This past summer I was hitting my head on the keyboard over the myriad revision/editing I've done. These critics of mine were constantly nagging me. I became exhausted after the endless critiquing and arguments, leading me into a slump with my writing.

But I recently saw Pulp Fiction for the first time, and I love Tarantino movies. And then the gloomy weather always makes me excited about life. And then I looked up this dude named Lord Dunsany, who inspired Tolkien.

I sort of put together these elements and said to myself, "I have an idea."

I looked to my critics and pretty much thought, "Screw you. I'll write what I want and how I want."

Why is it that whenever it rains/storms I feel more alive than ever? Sure, sunny days are cool and all, but there's something epic about gloomy, dark days that make me excited. I'd be singing in the rain if it weren't for this damn cold.

In other news, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is an amazing book. I mean, AMAZING. There's something about it that's just really interesting. Stieg Larsson did an incredible amount of research on things. I found it rather mysterious that he died immediately after submitting the trilogy. My mother keeps saying he wrote hints and clues or something into his books and that fans are traveling to these places to find things out. Something like that. I have no idea what she was babbling about. Maybe someone else knows?

Anyway, I got some archaeology homework to do. 5 pages and an investigation report due Wednesday. W00t!


Book of the Day: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Video Game of the Day: Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus
Video Clip of the Day:
Song of the Day: Skinny Love by Bon Iver
Movie of the Day: 2001: A Space Odyssey
Hero of the Day: Edward Elric
Villain of the Day: Gideon (from Scott Pilgrim Series)

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