Monday, October 4, 2010


I don't know why I made that the title. If you know what those are then kudos to you. And no, looking it up doesn't count.

I really need to make a clear, concise list of things I should do in order and strictly follow them. There's school stuff and then outside school stuff. Ugh. I need to straighten out all these tangled cords in life.

Have any of you played Final Fantasy IX? That game is so fun and yet remarkably easy. I've gotten so far in such a short amount of time. I think that game must have been made for beginners or something. But the story is so enjoyable. Some old critics complained about the story, but I think it's far from cliche.

Here are elements I consider cliche in any RPG:

1 - Evil empire with uprising rebellion
2 - Nameless evil that was only mentioned as a cute passing backstory throughout the game but then *gasp* guess what? That nameless evil turns out to be the one behind everything and was banished and is now trying to break free!
3 - Main character was the victim of evil experiments that he/she can't remember.
4 - Chosen ones/sacred lineages

Final Fantasy IX twists them here and there though. Tales of the Abyss is another odd, unique RPG. But the terminology is so fucking confusing.

"We must obtain the Fon fon hyperressonance of Fon Master Fon Man Fonstone while resonating a fon effect on the Fonstone--"

The player is left as confused as Luke, the main character, who suffers amnesia after being kidnapped, and so his parents locked him in his room for years. So he has no idea about how the world works, which really reflects on how the player has no fucking clue why everything is preceded by the word "fon." The story itself is interesting. A little confusing but reading Luke's journals straighten things up if you're ever lost on what's going on.

I don't feel like writing the whole "Blah blah blah of the Day" thing because I've got lots of studying to do for Immunology.

After Wednesday, there are things I have/want to do right away. And I'm more so writing this for myself as a checklist to strictly follow.

1. Create Secrets of the Scene: Raiders of the Lost Ark Pt. 3
2. Write up the script for my first radio show episode (after I harangue the managers about why it's taking so long for my show to start)
3. Perform miraculous acts of cooking (yay, more experience points!)
4. Start drafting first episode of sitcom-like series for youtube
5. All while reviving my writing

I was going to perform this unofficial experiment on people who stuttered, but that failed because there was a lack of significant patients. I want to think of something else to experiment on, unofficially.

The sitcom idea I had is awkwardly dying, but I'm pushing it in another direction. It won't be some grand, comical set of characters like most shows out there, but it'll still be fun. I don't know, after school started some of my friends just didn't express any interest in it at all, despite how much we talked about it over the summer. Bummer.

And for the record, Final Fantasy XII is completely unbearable. I hate that game. It's one of those games I pretend never happened. They've yet to make Final Fantasy XII.

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