Sunday, September 19, 2010

So people take showers in the morning?

There are many things in life that people did a certain way and I never did. And it took me a heck of a long time to realize them.

I thought people took showers at night. It only made sense to me. I suddenly became mortified when I realized that everyone took showers in the morning. That meant they went to sleep sweaty and dirty from the day's work/adventures.

And then there's cereal. I never knew it was a regular thing for people to eat cereal with milk. I always ate it the way it was.

I just finished writing my first paper of the semester. There's a lot more to be done though, and this week is going to be a little hellish.

And there are acorns falling all around me. I'm currently outside typing, and because Fall's coming up all these fucking acorns are dropping like bombs all over campus. I always feel like I'm going to get hi---urrrk----


Book of the Day: Counter-Clock World by Philip K. Dick

Movie of the Day: Pulp Fiction

Video Game of the Day: Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King

Hero of the Day: Squall Leonhart

Villain of the Day: Dormin (from Shadow of the Colossus)

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