Monday, September 27, 2010

It was a dark and rainy morning. . .

. . .and I felt good.

Ok, maybe I'm sick. I haven't blogged in a while because I was super-busy and then got a case of the sniffles with a sore throat over the weekend. But now I'm recovering. Still, I'm taking it easy so nothing I do will exacerbate it. At least it doesn't feel like a cheese grater is grinding against my throat anymore.

I've had the sudden inspiration again for my fantasy writing. This past summer I was hitting my head on the keyboard over the myriad revision/editing I've done. These critics of mine were constantly nagging me. I became exhausted after the endless critiquing and arguments, leading me into a slump with my writing.

But I recently saw Pulp Fiction for the first time, and I love Tarantino movies. And then the gloomy weather always makes me excited about life. And then I looked up this dude named Lord Dunsany, who inspired Tolkien.

I sort of put together these elements and said to myself, "I have an idea."

I looked to my critics and pretty much thought, "Screw you. I'll write what I want and how I want."

Why is it that whenever it rains/storms I feel more alive than ever? Sure, sunny days are cool and all, but there's something epic about gloomy, dark days that make me excited. I'd be singing in the rain if it weren't for this damn cold.

In other news, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is an amazing book. I mean, AMAZING. There's something about it that's just really interesting. Stieg Larsson did an incredible amount of research on things. I found it rather mysterious that he died immediately after submitting the trilogy. My mother keeps saying he wrote hints and clues or something into his books and that fans are traveling to these places to find things out. Something like that. I have no idea what she was babbling about. Maybe someone else knows?

Anyway, I got some archaeology homework to do. 5 pages and an investigation report due Wednesday. W00t!


Book of the Day: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Video Game of the Day: Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus
Video Clip of the Day:
Song of the Day: Skinny Love by Bon Iver
Movie of the Day: 2001: A Space Odyssey
Hero of the Day: Edward Elric
Villain of the Day: Gideon (from Scott Pilgrim Series)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fuck bosses that have two forms. . .

. . .they're really a pain in the ass.

Dragon Quest VIII is a very mainstream RPG. And when I say mainstream I mean REALLY mainstream. Turn-based. Typical level ups. Got your knights and swords and sorcery.

And yet even in its mainstream it's such a fun game. INCREDIBLY fun. There's so much to do and the stories are so memorable.

I'm dying to play Dragon Quest IX for the DS.

In other news, my radio show was accepted at my school. Anyone can listen in as long as you have Internet and a computer. Just go to My show is on Tuesdays from 7-8pm. HOWEVER, I am not starting immediately. I have to go through some "training" crap and then shadow two other shows. I know like everyone who does a show on WMNJ anyway.

Oh and btw, forgot the most important thing. The show is called "Night at the Lab". I'm going to talk about science, sort of like Bill Nye the Science Guy, except I'm actually a science guy and he was just an actor.


Song of the Day: Fa, fa, fa by Datarock

Movie of the Day: Taken

Book of the Day: The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

Hero of the Day: Guy Montag

Villain of the Day: Legato Bluesummers

Sunday, September 19, 2010

So people take showers in the morning?

There are many things in life that people did a certain way and I never did. And it took me a heck of a long time to realize them.

I thought people took showers at night. It only made sense to me. I suddenly became mortified when I realized that everyone took showers in the morning. That meant they went to sleep sweaty and dirty from the day's work/adventures.

And then there's cereal. I never knew it was a regular thing for people to eat cereal with milk. I always ate it the way it was.

I just finished writing my first paper of the semester. There's a lot more to be done though, and this week is going to be a little hellish.

And there are acorns falling all around me. I'm currently outside typing, and because Fall's coming up all these fucking acorns are dropping like bombs all over campus. I always feel like I'm going to get hi---urrrk----


Book of the Day: Counter-Clock World by Philip K. Dick

Movie of the Day: Pulp Fiction

Video Game of the Day: Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King

Hero of the Day: Squall Leonhart

Villain of the Day: Dormin (from Shadow of the Colossus)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

From afar the lightning strikes. . .

. . . a thunderstorm is here!

Joy, joy, joy! Thunderstorms! YES!

Today has been a very productive day, and still is. I'm typing a blog whilst also typing two papers, juggling all of them at intervals. How sexy is that?

I'm going to focus then on my youtube videos in the coming days. I hope some of you have seen my channel, because within this semester I'm planning to start a series.

But here's a lineup of things I've yet to post:

1. Secrets of the Scene: Raiders of the Lost Ark 3 - alas, the long-awaited third portion of my critique on that movie. The problem with its eventual production has been the lack of any good software to record or cut scenes from the DVDs. I used FRAPs but that became a pain in the ass and it got screwed up. But now I believe I found another program. So hang on to your fedoras!

2. Back to College, Scotty - just a short video about my new year and showing the room. Nothing big.

3. And finally, the first episode of my series. It's based off a short story I'm writing, and thus I'm going to adapt it to a college setting. The series follows the main character (me) and his internal musings about the world around him, no matter how irritating it may seem. It all begins when a terribly uncultured girl asks him for help on typing a book report. The episode itself is called "Bradbury for Sale", but the series title is still in the works.

I'm thinking of also posting fun stuff at the end of each blog from now on.

Funny Video of the Day:
(WOW, you REALLY must have no life to buy that, or no friends at least)

Book of the Day: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson
(Slow in the very beginning but then it gets REALLY intense. Highly recommend.)

Video Game of the Day: Metal Gear Solid (PSX)
(Officially my favorite video game of all time, so far that is. Think you can beat it on Extreme mode?)

Hero of the Day: Nicholas D. Wolfwood

Villain of the Day: Liquid Snake

Saturday, September 11, 2010

On this day nine years ago. . .

. . . the World Trade Center collapsed.

I'm home for the weekend to take care of a few appointments. I thought about today and searched for 9/11 videos. I came upon the apparently infamous "Falling Man," which depicts a man falling head-first in a rather relaxed pose. However later they discovered it was one of a dozen clips.

It got me thinking about life and death, and what comes after (if anything). These are topics that would normally make someone panic, cringe, or uneasy - but I think about it everyday. I really do. I dread the shower because the shower is the one place my mind wanders so deeply, and I think scary thoughts.

The "Falling Man" got me thinking about death, which got me thinking about my Religions in India class that I'm taking this semester. I never really knew much about Hinduism, or any other -isms in India. I took it to fill course requirements and out of interest.

The very first reading assignment I had enthralled me. First of all, Hindus never called themselves Hindus. They never called themselves anything. It's the oldest continuing religion, with the Vedas dating back to 1200 BCE or so. The term Hindu and Hinduism came when the British occupied the country and saw that they lived in the Indus valley. I think it was the British, or at least the names STUCK when the British came.


What struck me were the Vedic hymns. Unlike other religions in the world, Hinduism never had a clear answer on the beginning of the world. It was what it was, and we will never know. So who do we worship? There is no linear creation story where a "being" appears and builds the universe. The universe was already there. What also struck me was a hymn about heat, and worshiping heat (not as a god though) and its properties.

I personally think they were ahead of their times. Sans the whole endless list of gods and goddesses. But other than that, their thinking was really different from the rest of the world. I dare say maybe even bordering scientific. The fact that there's a hymn praising heat says something, since heat is a fundamental exchange of energy that rules the universe.

Thus it got me thinking about aliens, naturally.

Friday, September 10, 2010

These are my lessons to live by

. . . I pass them onto you.

1. There is always another way (This is my Golden Rule)
2.When all else fails, fight fire with fire
3. Don't panic, if you do, refer to #1
4. Never forget the basics
5. Level up, there are always more experience points to be had
6. Never pass on the opportunity for a surprise, and in turn always be ready for one
7. Do what you want, it's not like they have guns (If they do, refer to #1)
8. Life is always fun when you think of it as an RPG
9. Boredom is a lack of imagination
10. There is no absolute reality - only what we live

(The new picture there was taken by me btw. You'd know IF YOU SAW MY DEVIANTART! :D)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Once upon a time. . .

. . . in Drew University, I was typing a blog while my roommate capped some gangsters in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

I have concluded, as well as he, that playing GTA is the equivalent to doing nothing. And yet it's strangely appealing. I sometimes stare at the game as he plays. I inexplicably become drawn into its idiocy, kind of like reality television. But the entire game - the series even - is no different than fapping off.

I thought doing this was more appealing to me than the gay Tweety bird crap and stuff like that. Whenever I'm having writer's block, need a break from studying, or just don't know what to do in the gap between when I finish working and when I have to go to bed - I figured I'd blog.

 I'm studying Biology with an Archaeology minor. So far everything's been pretty smooth. Actually really smooth. It's like a really good sequel to a movie. No, it's like Ocean's Thirteen, and last year was Ocean's Twelve. Last year was pretty good, but this year was the year that last year should have been. . . yeah. . . try to wrap around that.

Let's see what's awesome so far:

-Don't have classes Mondays
-Applied for a radio show at my school (I'm hoping but confident it'll be accepted)
-Awesome room with an awesome view
-On my way brainstorming for a sitcom-ish series to add to my youtube account (LOOK FOR ME: search for ScottyMcGeester on youtube!)
-Predicting an awesome run academics-wise

What's NOT awesome

-Still in a slump with my writing, and then suddenly I see one of my old school friends publishing a book. I gotta step up my game. Then again I'm also juggling this scientist side of me by studying biology
-Been meaning to start a Sci-Fi/Fantasy Club but my moderator mysteriously stopped messaging me and now I have to track him down
-The showers in the bathroom at this residence hall are really awkward. They're these cramped spaces that make you feel like you're in some capsule on a space station

Doing this actually is like an exercise for my motivation. I suddenly feel like writing my story again. I have lots to post about past experiences/current experience/experiences I've yet to. . . er. . .experience. Such as fun college stories.

I'm also part of this club called NSE (New Social Engine) at my school. We're sponsoring a Capture the Flag game this Friday. Gonna be awesome.

By the way, look up my youtube.

And follow me on deviantart too!

And formspring me!

Anything else? Hrm. .

Did I mention my youtube channel yet?
